Sunday, April 22, 2012

What is Beauty Kitchen?

I created Beauty Kitchen last November for my show on HeatherMarianna.TV. The concept of Beauty Kitchen (@heathermarianna on Twitter and #BeautyKitchen) is to show women and men how to stay healthy, fabulous, and beautiful without spending all kinds of crazy money at the spa. How you may ask? Well I show you how to create amazing and I mean amazing face masks, body wraps, skin cleansers, all from stuff you can get at the local grocery store! I am not kidding!!!! And the best part is that all this stuff really works.

Now I know we are not going to start making all of our own face masks, soaps, and start churning our own butter, but I am going to show you things you can do at home that are the same as the expensive spa treatments you can pay a lot of money for. I don't know about you ladies out there but I would rather wrap myself up and sit outside in the sun while fighting cellulite in my new pair of Loubitains. See my point? Some cellulite blasting spa wraps can cost up to two hundred dollars at the spa, well on top of the two hundred dollars you usually have to go about once a week to get results. In the videos below I show you how to do your own wraps, for about ten dollars at home and guess what I do them twice a week for about twenty dollars w week at home. So ladies lets do the math, one spa wrap at two hundred dollars, once a week for a month, about eight hundred dollars you will spend. Heather Marianna Beauty Kitchen cellulite blasting wraps, twice a week (double the results) for about twenty dollars a week, about eighty dollars. You already saved seven hundred and twenty dollars, hellooooooooooooooooo ladies thats a nice new pair of kicks! Pick your poison, Loubitains? Prada? Tom Ford? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm the list is endless.

On top of showing you how to create amazing face masks et.c in your own Beauty Kitchen, I will show you some of my favorite products that I KNOW work, and show you some at home tips and tricks on staying healthy, beautiful and fabulous.

If you read this blog you will get several things:

Recipies for creating wraps, face masks, cleansers, facial brightners etc etc etc.

Tip and Tricks and the in on what products I like to use and were to find them.

Money saving tips and how to do at home on all things beauty.

And so much more, so ladies lets start with the first recipe and my all time favortie, the cellulite blasting wrap. Come on you know you have it, even celebrities have it, lets get rid of it. This is how.

watch these two links for an exact how to do this at home! And dont forget you can wash the bandages they are reusable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please follow me on Twitter @Heathermarianna and hashtag #BeautyKitchen

Also tweet me that you like the videos and I will also be posting a ton of receipes I wont be doing videos on, so print them out and get to your kitchen, because the Kitchen isnt just for Cooking anymore!

Heather Marianna

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