Sunday, April 15, 2012

3 Hair Tips Beauty Kitchen Style....


Everyone has hair problems, everyone.

 I live in Las Vegas and Hollywood California there is a major difference in my hair between the two cities.

 Las Vegas is dry full of static and I often find myself rubbing dryer sheets on my head in the car,

 or flirting with the idea of a downy rinse. But then I think, really downy?

What if I met someone and they said you smell amazing like…………downy.  

So I did some research and tried several things I found online and these are the TOP THREE hair tricks that I know work,

 because a month ago I embarked on “I’m going to fix this hair problem mission

 (PC version of what I actually said)” and here I am happy to report the results.

So here are three tricks that you want to try….like right now. Promise.

Tip number one……………
If you have dark hair and sometimes it seems a little dull. Maybe you are in between hair appointments and OMG you got that hot date and you really think he’s going to be looking at your hair, we all know he’s not but ok I will humor you on that one and give you a quick fix. Here it is. Shampoo and Condition as usual, then pour one bottle of Dark Stout Beer over your hair, then let sit for 45 seconds or so then rinse as usual. The beer that I like to use is Guinness and don’t try this with my favorite Tecate it doesn’t work. I was mid hair fix mission and I was drinking one got in the shower and tried it, no dice, stick with Guinness ladies.

Another problem I have, as noted above, is dry static hair. This sucks, like really bad, especially since I just cut bangs, can you say something about Mary? So here is how I fixed that problem, leave it to me and Beauty Kitchen to have your solutions!
Here is tip number two…………………
What you are going to need is two things, a can of Organic Pumpkin Pie Mix and a few table spoons of Olive Oil, yup that’s it ladies it’s that easy. Cover those luscious locks of yours (cause you know that date is looking at your hair he he) and let it soak for 20 minutes, cover it with shower cap and if you want to get real crafty like I do, then blow dry over the cap for at least 10 minutes on high heat this will get the pumpkin really moisturizing your hair and heat up that oil. Then just Shampoo and Condition as usual and there you go date ready hair, because again he is dating your hair, but ok.

The very last issue we all have with our hair is product buildup. We all spray, gel, heat solution our hair so much and that certainly leaves a ton of residue. Now I will tell you that date of yours, will notice if your hair is dirty and nasty so here is how to fix those limp locks. I suggest doing this before you use the pumpkin mask and after the mask do the beer rinse. Three steps to fabulous hair. I suggest doing this about twice a month. Leave the beer in the shower, that’s my kind of showerJ. Here is how to rid you hair of the residue.
Pour one to three cups of the Apple Cider Vinegar on your damp hair, I really don’t measure I just keep the bottle next to the beer in my shower and pour it all over my head. You could show that date of yours the beer in your shower too and you may even land a second date!. Just my thoughts I would hide the Apple Cider Vinegar bottle though he he.

After you let the rinse set into your hair for about 45 seconds or so shampoo and condition as usual, blow dry to clean refreshed hair.

Well there you have it three proven tips and tricks for some of our major hair issues. Please do not forget to follow me on twitter @Heathermarianna and watch me at and like my facebook page at and keep up with me via twitter I am always tweeting new things I find, try, and love.eckI You
You’re Creator of Beauty Kitchen
And Remember………………….The Kitchen isn’t just for cooking anymore!!!

Heather Marianna

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