Sunday, April 22, 2012

Face Masks and Scrubs to Brighten and Tone, Beauty Kitchen Style

Here are three face masks you can make RIGHT NOW to Brighten and Tone that face of yours:)

This is a very simple mask that you can make that will moisturize and tone your skin at the same time! All you need is TWO simple Ingredients, Carrots and Honey. It takes pretty good too maybe your boyfriend can lick off the leftovers off your body, lol. This can also be used all over your body and steamed in, if you have a steam shower this is perfect for that.

Here is the video link for step by step directions, trust me this isn't tough.

Here is a list of ingredients:



Yup that's it.

Use about one cup of steamed carrots, you do not want to cook the vitamins out. For every cup of steamed carrots use a table spoon of honey, mix together.
Apply to any area you wish to tone and moisturize.

That's it!

Don't forget to follow me on Twitter @Heathermarianna #BeautyKitchen and tweet me how you like this one!

Here is the second mask/scrub. This one will FOR SURE brighten your skin, I have a lot of sun spots since I have moved to Las Vegas, I do this every morning and sometimes at night as well and they have been dramatically fading. I can tell they are since I have had less need for concealer.

Here is the video link to show you step by step how to make it. Again this is so easy you will be amazed!!

This is what you need to make this amazing kick ass facial brightener scrub. The reason why I say mask/scrub is due to the fact that if you want to make it a little thicker you can leave it on your face for 15 Min's, if you are in a hurry add more lemon and use it as a scrub AFTER you wash your skin and BEFORE you moisturize. I suggest using a very light moisturizer after this treatment at night.



Yes, that's it.

Next you need to grind the almonds in a small food processor, I picked up a little chopper at the grocery store for ten dollars and it works amazing! Then you need to squeeze one to two lemons and use the pulp as well (that is what really gets in and brightens your skin) and mix it together.

The almonds must be ground very fine, use as much lemon needed to make a mask or a scrub, less lemon for a mask more for a scrub. There is no such thing as to much lemon when you are wanting to brighten your skin. I also sometimes when watching TV slice lemons and put them all over my face.

Yes, this shit really works.

Here are some more recipes for you little Beauty Kitchen Junkies! I have not created videos for these however I have explained in detail how to create these amazing concoctions.

Skin Glowing Cilantro and Oat

1/2 cup of oatmeal Oatmeal

 1/4 cup of milk for moisturizing, use whole or full fat yogurt.

1/4 cup of chopped cucumber, which is great for tightening your skin, remember the cucumber under the eyes trick? Well?

1 handful of fresh cilantro

How to do it:
1. Blend it all in your food chopper or blend in blender.

2. Mix together.

3. When the mix looks nice and slick its time to apply for 20 Min's and then rinse.


I hope you enjoy, and don't forget to print these out and save them!

Heather Marianna

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